Supporting Triathletes

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Mazda London Triathlon logo featuring London Skyline over the words and a small Mazda logo
Small project logo
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Project dates

I’d started to use and talk about the Open Source Drupal framework, and through my networking efforts I was contracted to develop a Facebook application for Mazda with a Drupal backend.

Due to the amount of networking meetings I’d attended and organised where we always seemed to end up in the back room of a pub with dodgy internet connections, or in coffee shops with all the noise around, I’d had a “vision” of creating a network of Open Source Coworking Cafes which could also act as a “home” for the largely invisible world of Free/Libre Open Source Software.

This project provided me with the funds to move to Brighton where I believed it would be an ideal place to start such a venture with its mix of technical, artistic, and alternative cultures.

Media Thumbnail
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